IMG 2048


Crucible Institute


Integrative Body Psychotherapy


Somatic Experiencing


Bibliography for Therapists
(at the bottom of this page)



David Schnarch, Ph.D.

Dr. David Schnarch is a licensed clinical psychologist and author of numerous books and articles on intimacy, sexuality, and relationships. His ground-breaking professional contributions have received awards from the American Psychological Association, the American Assn. for Marriage and Family Therapy, and the American Assn. of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. He is Board Certified in Couple and Family Psychology (ABPP), and his textbook Constructing the Sexual Crucible® is used by therapist training programs around the world. 

Whereas Dr. Schnarch’s original Crucible® Therapy for couples was rooted in differentiation, Crucible® Neurobiological Therapy is rooted in mind mapping. Crucible® Neurobiological Therapy uses right-brain-dominant methods to help people heal from subtle or overwhelming interpersonal trauma. 

Brain TalkPassionate MarriageIntimicy and DesireResurrecting sex


Peter A. Levine  Ph.D.

Dr. Peter A. Levine, Somatic Experiencing pioneer and author of the best-selling book Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma — which was published in 24 languages and sold over 250,000 copies. His other published work includes: Healing Trauma: a Pioneering Program in Restoring the Wisdom of Our Bodies, In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness.

Waking the TigerIn an Unspoken VoiceTrauma Through a Child's Eyes


Jack Lee Rosengberg Ph.D. and Marjorie Rand Ph.D.

Dr. Jack Lee Rosenberg, along with psychoanalyst Diana Asay and psychotherapist Dr. Marjorie Rand, developed the practice of Integrative Body Psychotherapy. IBP integrates several approaches to psychotherapy, including Gestalt therapy, transpersonal psychotherapy, object relations, self-psychology, yoga, and bioenergetics. It also has a strong emphasis on breathwork—the practice of controlling the breathing to promote mindfulness and alleviate depression and anxiety. The ultimate goal of IBP is to integrate somatic and conscious awareness. Rosenberg outlined these principles in his 1985 book, Body, Self and Soul – Sustaining Integration.

Body Self and Soul . The Intimate Couple



Christine Caldwell, Ph.D., 

Dr. Christine Caldwell is the founder of and professor emeritus in the Somatic Counseling Program at Naropa University in Boulder, CO, USA, where she taught coursework in somatic counseling theory and skills, clinical neuroscience, research, and diversity issues. Her work began thirty five years ago with studies in anthropology, dance therapy, bodywork and Gestalt therapy, and has developed into innovations in the field of body-centered psychotherapy.

Getting Our Bodies BackGetting in Touch




Creating Union


Conscious Loving


Woman's RealityEscape From Intimacy


The Brain that Changes Itself

The Mindfull Brain The Whole Brain Child


In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts


Bibliography with a focus for Therapists

Help for the HelperBeing a Brain Wise TherapistThe Mindful Therapist

OriginsScared SickBody   Mind Psychotherapy